Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Answer !

Well got an answer from thrive and they said they would give me one month of free hosting and more help, and I said more help you really haven't helped in a year and a half,(this is only a small part of the conversation, but you can see how it went) but to be asked if I was illiterate and if I could read or write, kind of hard to go back and  work with someone that asks you that (have recording to prove it), just need to find out how to get it on the blog, so its not going any where I guess. They also said they would send a lawyer and get me for slander. So if anyone would like to hear the recording tell me how I can put it up, other than putting that on I will be ending are partnership (if that's what you call it) when my monthly hosting is up on 11/18/10 and take it in the BUTT, and won't be saying anything else, because there are alot more people saying it for me. Read more and this is just one of many and this is my experience with them.